Info & Ranking Structure

Armas-Kali Curriculum:

Now you can be part of an extremely well-rounded and constantly evolving weapons system!  The focus of Armas-Kali starts with the most functional means of weapon use, and graduates into the more attribute-based methods as the student progresses. The translation of the name literally means “Weapon Hand Motion”

Armas-Kali is a curriculum based around Filipino, Thai and Okinawan weapons arts.  Students will study the five main types of weapon use:

1. Impact Weapons: Sticks, Staffs, Clubs etc.
2. Edged Weapons: Knives, Swords, hatchet  etc.
3. Puncture Weapons: Knife, Spear, Sword, etc.
4. Projectile Weapons: Knives, Rocks, Arrows, Guns etc..
5. Flexible Weapons: Sarong, Malong, T-Shirt, Rope

The curriculum consists of Slashing, Thrusting, Hacking, Striking, Disarms, Trapping, Locks & Tie-Ups.  Students will learn all these elements as well as develop coordination, timing, range, foot & body movement, speed, power and grace.

The main weapons taught in Armas-Kali are:
Single & Double Stick
Single & Double Knife
Single & Double Sword
Espada Y Daga

Because we believe martial arts is a continual study, our curriculum is constantly evolving and improving.  This makes Armas-Kali and art which can be practiced throughout your entire life.

Student Rank Progression:

No Flag:  Entry Level… All new students are considered to be “No Flag”.

Yellow Flag:  Intro to basic inside disarms, flow patterns, and more,

Green Flag: Intro to basic outside disarms, joint locks, and more.

Blue Flag: Intro to the Knife Matrix, cutting combinations, adv. disarms and more.

Red Flag: Blending the different ranges with the stick, knife disarms, and more.

Brown Flag: Intro to stick-chokes, advanced techniques & timing, and more.

Black Flag Levels 1-5 (Black Belt):  Continuing education in weapon use.

Instructor Rank Progression:

Training Group Leader: This is not actually a rank, but more of a show of trust between the individual and KSK Martial Arts, to set a good example for the learning process of the student.

Apprentice Instructor: (Jo-Shu) This means you are learning how to teach.  Apprentice instructors do not have the ability to rank their students yet.  Minimum 1 year as a Training Group Leader.  Student membership must also be current and in good standing.

Associate Instructor: This rank shows that both you and your students are showing increased ability and comprehension of the material.  Apprentice instructors do not have the ability to rank their students yet.  Minimum 1 year as an Apprentice Instructor.

Level-1 Instructor: (Guro) May promote students to Yellow & Green Flag.  Must demonstrate an effective ability to teach up through Green Flag, therefore the Instructor must have at least one student submitted for evaluation and promotion to Green Flag in order to assess the Instructor’s ability to effectively pass on the information.

Level-2 Instructor: May promote students to Blue & Red Flags.  Must demonstrate an effective ability to teach up through Red Flag, therefore the Instructor must have at least one student submitted for evaluation and promotion to Red Flag in order to assess the Instructor’s ability to effectively pass on the information.

Level-3 Instructor: May promote students to Brown & Black Flag.  Must demonstrate an effective ability to teach up through Black Flag, therefore the Instructor must have at least one student submitted for evaluation and promotion to Black Flag in order to assess the Instructor’s ability to effectively pass on the information.

Level-4 Instructor: May promote students to Black Flag Level-2 and Apprentice Instructor.  Must demonstrate an effective ability to teach up through Black Flag Level-2, therefore the Instructor must have at least one student submitted for evaluation and promotion to Black Flag Level-2 and sponsor one of their students for an Apprentice Instructors license in order to assess the Instructor’s ability to effectively pass on the information. This would give the new Apprentice Instructor our endorsement to start a Training Group of their own if they so desire.

Full Instructor:  May promote students to Black Flag Level-3.  Must demonstrate an effective ability to teach up through Black Flag Level-3, therefore the Instructor must have at least one student submitted for evaluation and promotion to Black Flag Level-3 in order to assess the Instructor’s ability to effectively pass on the information. It also gives the Instructor permission to individually promote the Apprentice instructor under them to the individual ranks of Associate Instructor, and Instructor Levels-1,2,3,4.

Senior Full Instructor:  May promote a Level-4 Instructor to a Full Instructor.

NOTE: In order to be recognized and/or promoted to each Instructor Rank, the Instructor’s membership must be current and in good standing.  Instructors must also maintain a level of regular training either at K.S.K. Martial Arts, through attendance at seminars & camps, and/or private instruction with Guro T. Kent Nelson