Looking for Good Quality “Live” Filipino Blades?

For all the practice we do with our aluminum training swords,   I feel that it is important to remember that although we may be practicing the movements of the art, with the correct shapes of the traditional weapons, one of the things that is always missing is the real weight of the weapon.  Many times the physical weight of the LIVE weapon will change, or even improve our own body mechanics when practiced.  Especially during solo form or during test-cutting.

If you are looking for a good quality LIVE Filipino blade, I would highly recommend you check out many of the awesome products by Ron Kosakowski.  He is a master at producing Traditional Filipino Weapons, and as such you can find him at www.TraditionalFilipinoWeapons.com

I am always amazed with how in depth his research of the various Filipino blades goes.   Take some time to check out the online catalog… its MASSIVE!

I’m positive you’ll be impressed with his body of work.  If you get one of his blades please let us know, and write us a review of it.  Tell ’em Guro Kent sent ya 😉

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